
Educational Opportunities:


Create a High School Plan -

Make sure you know what high school courses are required by colleges and that you're taking the right classes each year in high school.

Take challenging courses - at least 5 solid academic courses every semester - English, Math, Science, Social Studies/History, Foreign Language, Arts.

Try to take advantage of honors and other higher-level courses to challenge yourself.


Participate in school activities and volunteering.


ACT - All Juniors will take the ACT plus writing on April 


National Test dates for ACT -

October 24, 2015     deadline to register 9/16/15

December 12, 2015     deadline to register 11/6/15

February 6,2016     deadline to register 1/8/16

April 9, 2016     deadline to register 3/4/16

June 11, 2015      deadline to register 5/16/16

Register at  www.act.org

6CT No Writing Fee     $39.50

ACT Plus Writing Fee    $56.50


SAT - College Board Test

National Test dates -

October 4, 2015      deadline to register 9/3/15    FEE $54.50

November 7, 2015           deadline to register 10/9/15

December 6, 2015         deadline to register 11/5/15

Register at www.sat.collegeboard.org


Montana digital Academy

High School classes

Dual Credit with Great Falls COT

NCAA Clearinghouse

What is the NCAA Eligibility Center?

The NCAA Eligibility Center certifies the initial academic eligibility and amateur status of all college-bound student-athletes who wish to compete in NCAA Division I or II athletics.

• Accessing the NCAA Eligibility Center's resource page on its website at www.eligibilitycenter.org, clicking on “Resources” and then selecting the type of student you are (U.S., International or home school). You can then navigate through the resources to find helpful information.

• Contacting the NCAA Eligibility Center at the phone number on  this page.

• Accessing www.NCAA.org/student-athletes/future for additional resources

NCAA Eligibility Center: Certification Processing P.O. Box 7136 Indianapolis, IN 46207-7136

 Certification Processing 1802 Alonzo Watford Sr. Drive Indianapolis, IN 46202

Web address: www.eligibilitycenter.org


NCAA Eligibility Center customer service: U.S. callers (toll free): 877/262-1492 International callers: 317/917-6222 Fax: 317/968-5100


Spring Achievement Tests:

CRT Science tests - Grades 4, 8, and 10.

Tests will be administered in March

Smarter Balance Assessment Tests - Grades 3-8 and 11 in April or May - date to be announced.


Summer Opportunities

HOBY Leadership


Girl’s State



Boy’s State


Davidson Honor’s College – Schwanke Honors institute


University of Montana



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